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Open Practice 20/06/24, 10:00 amCoach Jim
BvB '06 Gold D-1 Coach Chris Obara formerly with Ayses 17/06/24, 11:18 amBiroBiro
Renegades 2016G and 2017G North Blanton16/06/24, 06:30 pmtareyncarol
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RSC 08Clark02/06/24, 05:43 pmacst
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NTX Celtic 2011B ECNL-RL-NTX Opportunity01/06/24, 11:04 pmFSFFL
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NTX Celtic 06G ECNL-RL-NTX Opportunity01/06/24, 10:36 pmFSFFL
BVB 09B29/05/24, 06:21 pmBdavis
BVB 10G GA & FDL Tryouts24/05/24, 09:54 amshutout
Dallas Texans 2009G Opportunities (2 Leagues)23/05/24, 11:41 pmJumpman
2008G Dallas Texans Tryouts 23/05/24, 02:25 pmDallas Texans East
INDOOR PRACTICE TONIGHT 5/22 (RENEGADES PEREZ) GCL ELITE22/05/24, 03:53 pmNickicharriere
2010G Renegades GCL ELITE14/05/24, 06:56 pmNickicharriere
Renegades Open Tryouts this Sunday @ Soccer Spectrum14/05/24, 04:41 pmsbarton12
Renegades Open Tryouts this Sunday @ Soccer Spectrum14/05/24, 04:31 pmsbarton12
Renegades Open Tryouts this Sunday @ Soccer Spectrum14/05/24, 04:01 pmsbarton12
Renegades Open Tryouts this Sunday @ Soccer Spectrum14/05/24, 03:55 pmsbarton12
Renegades Open Tryouts this Sunday @ Soccer Spectrum14/05/24, 03:50 pmsbarton12
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