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Open practices, parent beware!! Pixel
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Open practices, parent beware!!

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Open practices, parent beware!! Empty Open practices, parent beware!!

Post by Type 1 left-footer 14/06/15, 08:50 am

Ok, since the old school section of the board is like a grave yard... Razz

Reminder that this time of year is tough! Open practices after about the 6th of June does NOT equal open spots.

Parents make sure to ask if they are full because a lot of teams just have open practices for the rest of the month after they have set their teams. Websites don't get updated and no one is going to break their fingers to get it posted that "sorry our team is set or full for the season".
Managers or well meaning parents will post on this board, hoping that coach will cut little slow Susie from the team if your "Mia Hamm" shows up.
Call the coach, ask he or she directly if they are needing players.
Don't ask other parents if there are spots, they generally have no clue what is going on with the roster. Most parents are NOT going to invite a challenging opponent to a team that might take some playtime from their DD.
I'm going to say most parents want the bare minimum of 14-16 girls so that their DD gets great playtime. No one wants to "carry enough to cover injuries" (that is crap-ola talk)

Warning signs that the "open practices" are not "open spots":
-Nothing worse than loading the kiddo up to go to a practice and your kid being the odd number out there. (like number 17, 19, 23)
-The gossipy soccer moms send one of their own over to "talk" with you and ask all your information but then...inform you that the roster is set.
-The coach does the quick player pull over before practice stops to tell your DD that it was nice of her to come out but that they are full. This all happens before your very eyes and the coach does not offer to speak with you.
-You show up to view a practice where 5 players trying out are killing themselves over one "open" spot - providing a comic relief to the players that do have a spot.

In all seriousness, if you want to help smooth the way a little then ask some questions:
-Do you have any open spots left?
-Are you looking for specific positions?
-Ask about play time before you sign. (Don't want until the 5th game to question why DD is not playing, it's on you to ask the coach.)
-Playtime earned...think hard on this one because how many teams do you see that without/rhyme or reason, a DD that has no skill and missed 90% of practices still plays 100% of the time because she has been with coach for years. Really think on whether you are setting DD to work her tail off to sit the bench.
-Ask how many teams the coach has or look it up. Some of these coaches have 5-6 teams. Are they going to show to every practice and game? Or is some pop-up coach going to take over mid-August when school starts that doesn't even know your DD.
-Ask how much money you are going to be asked to pay come April-June when the team fund runs out of $$. How many times have I paid all my fees for a team then come spring, then the team is broke and have to pay for each tournament that was listed on that contract?
-Middle schoolers, please ask how middle school sports and the girls being absent are going to effect playtime, practices etc.

Parents ask the questions and don't just assume! My input for the year back to the old bones category.

Last edited by Type 1 left-footer on 14/06/15, 12:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : bad grammar)
Type 1 left-footer
Type 1 left-footer
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Open practices, parent beware!! Empty Re: Open practices, parent beware!!

Post by Zizou 14/06/15, 09:36 am

Beware of free skills, nothing will be free and I'm sure you will be pressured to sign the dotted line!

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Open practices, parent beware!! Empty Re: Open practices, parent beware!!

Post by Guest 14/06/15, 11:53 am

Great read


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Open practices, parent beware!! Empty Re: Open practices, parent beware!!

Post by DVaughn14 15/06/15, 05:24 pm

This is actually very insightful as a coach I need to be more clear on this end to my parents. Thank you!

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Open practices, parent beware!! Empty Re: Open practices, parent beware!!

Post by legitsoccermom 16/06/15, 12:05 am

This should be read by all parents and do your research on parent behavior on the sidelines.Lets face it If your daughter gets "the Spot" you have to be with these parents for a year or so. Sure you wont like em all but look, observe and most importantly LISTEN...Great write up of advice Type 1
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Open practices, parent beware!! Empty Re: Open practices, parent beware!!

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